Christmas here is basically just not that big of a deal. In the States the whole month of December is filled with holiday cheer and almost everything evolves around Christmas. Here the only signs of Christmas coming are holiday music playing in grocery stores and their attempts to bring commercialized Christmas to Chile. Beyond that you wouldn't really know Christmas was coming. Christmas Eve was a completely normal day- I slept in, ate, tanned by the pool, and watched a movie. Than at 8:00 I went to Christmas mass with my host siblings which was actually very nice. Towards the end they started singing "O Come All Ye Faithful" in Spanish and it was the first time in Chile where it really felt like there was Christmas spirit, I almost started tearing up.
Christmas mass
manger scene
When we came home from mass we had a really nice family dinner. For appetizers we had asian food and salmon, then for dinner turkey with orange sauce and rice. We finished dinner a little after 11:00 then waited until midnight to open presents (or more like my host sister and I made them wait). In Chile they open presents on Christmas Eve- or technically on Christmas Day and they think Santa comes when they are out at night. Presents here are not a big deal- everyone only gets a few things and they don't use stockings. My host family gave me a really lovely scarf/wrap thing and a nice bar of chocolate.
my first fake Christmas tree
Christmas day was completely normal. Just did our own separate things all day and then went to my host grandparents house with the extended family for dinner (which wasn't anything special because we do that all of the time). It was a very nice few days but definitely did not feel like Christmas. Nonetheless it was a nice experience! I had my first Christmas summer in the summer and tanned by the pool.
The best part of my Chilean Christmas: skyping with my family and receiving my Christmas package from my wonderful Grandparents that arrived on time. The first thing I did on Christmas morning when I woke up (at 11:30, the latest I have EVER woken up on Christmas) was open it. It contains two huge boxes of mac & cheese, two enormous jars of jiff peanut butter, and a big bag of reese's cups. I now have enough 'tastes of home' to last me for the next 6 months. Thanks Gmom and Gdad :)
Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!