Monday, October 24, 2011

Normal life

This weekend Macie came over to my house to spend the night! Saturday we hung out with my host brother Tomas and my friend Agustin and made pizzas and played carioca (a Chilean card game)

Sunday we hung out, skyped with my host brother in Germany, tried to watch Mean Girls, went to Santiago and walked around a park then went shopping, and finally ate at McDonalds. And a random lady in McDonalds walked up to us and asked "Do you guys want these french fries? My son doesn't want them..." so we got a free thing of giant fries from McDonalds, being a gringa here rocks.

Overall my life here is getting more normal, which is nice. School, hanging out with friends, parties, eating more pan than I previously though was humanly possible...I've also started running with my friend Emily (another exchange student in my school from the US) to get in shape for upcoming trip. In a month we're going to Torres de Paine, in Patagonia (the way far south of Chile) for a week with our exchange program. We're trekking/backpacking everything, 8 hours of walking every day. And considering we do absolutely nothing right now we're attempting to get back in shape.

Much love from Chile!

Monday, October 3, 2011

More Exchange Students (:

Have a new exchange student in my school! Christina (Tina) from Germany. We're now both in Tercero Medio, which means we have all of our classes together. It's amazing! I still can barely understand anything in school, thus it can get incredible boring. Because Tina and I know almost the same amount of Spanish, we can talk practice with each other during school. Its great to have another exchange student around. And this week I was in Cuarto Medio (the senior class) because my curso was in Easter Island for a study trip (I'm going in April with my exchange program). Shout to IV Medio for everything!

This weekend my friend Macie, from North Carolina, came over for most of the weekend. We flew together from Atlanta to Santiago and have been talking a lot on facebook since and decided to finally meet up again. It was such a blast. We are practically gemelas (twins), with the blonde hair and blue eyes, and we have so much in common. Its amazing to have someone to talk to about all of the homesickness (we've both been hit pretty hard) and small frustrations with everything. And like Tina and I, we know the same amount of Spanish so we can practice with each other. We get along SO well, its awesome :)

Saturday there was a giant chorriparty at my house with all of the companeros of my host brother. Its basically a cookout with chorripan, kind of like sausauge, its absolutely amazing. Then went to a party and Macie slept over.

My host brother Alvaro finally left for his exchange to Germany (only 2 months late). He has been absolutely amazing and has helped make my first month and half of exchange incredible. Its really sad to have him go, especially because I don't know for sure when I will be able to see him again (I cried my eyes out in the airport), but its time for his exchange to begin. Te quiero Alvarito y gracias por todo!

Un beso! <3