Saturday, April 14, 2012


 I figured it was about time to talk about my new Chilean school, Instituto Sagrado Corazón (Institute of the Sacred Heart), which if you didn't get from the name is a private Catholic school. I'm really happy at my new school- I already have a close group of friends and I can follow along in class (whereas before I simply sat there not understanding anything 8 hours a day) and I'm actually getting passing grades without studying.

Although both my old and new Chilean schools are private and Catholic, ISC is a lot more relaxed than Campanario (my first school). One reason is ISC is not as heavily Catholic- it is still a religious school but not to the same extent as Campanario. In Campanario we had an hour mass every Thursday morning, grades were split into all girls and all boy cursos (classes), and in the required religion classes they taught how divorce, gay marriage, and abortion are all sins (which was quite awkward considering I had multiple classmates with divorced parents). In ISC we still have required religion classes but they are much more relaxed (we currently are just talking about youth culture), classes are mixed with boys and girls,  and we only have mass for holidays or important events.
taking pictures on my friend Fran's iPhone during school

with my new class IVº Medio C during a class bonding fieldtrip

I have mixed feelings about school. On one side I really enjoy going- my class is really awesome and I get to talk with my friends all day. I already graduated high school so my grades here don't count, meaning I get to enjoy the best parts of high school and go out with friends whenever I want to without any academic stress. Yet at the same time sometimes it feels a little pointless going to school when I'm not really learning anything (the Chilean educational system is a disaster but that's a whole different blog post). But no matter what it is better than being at Carmel High School in which every senior is plagued with senioritis.

Also took a much needed girls shopping trip to Santiago with Wiebke, a German exchange student in my school.
taking webcam photos in the apple store
I'm still living the dream and loving every minute of it.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

An Awesome Weekend

 Just a weekend wrap-up.
 Luci, Fran, Chica, Me, Dani
Friday afternoon I went to my friend Fran's house with my group of girl friends from my class and we just hung out, talked, and ate until midnight. Even though I've only been in their class for a little less than a month we get along so well and it so much fun to hang out with them.
My host brother Dani got 3 free tickets to Fantasilandia (Chile's big amusement park, their version of Kings Island) that expired this Saturday. He couldn't go because of work so he gave them to me and I went with my exchange friends Briana and Olivia. There are 2 pretty decent rollercoasters and one okay drop tower that we went on, but the rest of the ride were just spinny teacups and tiny water rides. It was a great day but Fantislandia has got nothing on U.S. theme parks.
 Chica, Fran, Me, Luci, and Dani
Saturday night I went to a big party with my Chilean friends, it was an great night filled with lots of dancing.
This weekend was Lollapalooza Chile. Lollapalooza is a music festival originally started in Chicago (I went to the Chicago one in 2010). Last year it started to expand internationally and this was the second year the festival has been in Chile. I went with my good exchange friends Kelly, Olivia, and Grace and we got to see Foster the People, Band of Horses, Tinie Tempah, Skrillex, and the Foo Fighters. The festival was almost the exact same as it was when I went in the States and it was really gringo (Spanish word for American). I have never seen so many foreigners in one place in Chile. It was an awesome day, spent with amazing people, filled with great music, lots of dancing, and many hilarious experiences.

During the Skrillex concert with Kelly and Olivia

I have Thursday and Friday off of school for Semana Santa (Saint Week) to celebrate Easter. I'm leaving today to my host grandparents beach house to celebrate with my extended host family. Hope all of you have a great Easter!